Career and Leadership

We offer a wide array of career coaching, career development courses, executive and leadership growth programs…


The first step to achieving a professional manifesto is to ask yourself – What is my dream job?

There are several individuals that find it very hard to say what exactly they want to do with their lives and this is why we encourage you to start off by asking yourself what you want as this would help you discover whether or not you have a want or you are just moving with the tide. When you’ve declared your dream Job – and make it public the next step is to ensure that you work towards getting this dream job, and so you ask yourself –

Have I been working towards my dream job?

This is the next question one should ask him/herself because this would propel you to declare the next phase of your career part.



We love the term professional manifesto because the word “Manifesto” is a public declaration of aims although made by a political party or candidate we believe that a young professional or about-to-be professional gains a lot by declaring his or her career intension. You must understand that you are the candidate and captain of your life therefore to achieve the success you must declare your intentions, objectives and motives. How do you do this you ask; well here are simple strategies for building a successful professional but remember they can only be useful if you check yourself every now and then.

Achievement and advancement are the results of setting firm resolutions and gaining will-power. As a young professional you ought to be committed to:

1. Identifying your goals and what route your career would take.
2. Building your brand – this is not just for celebrities you must maintain an image that is not only attractive but one that sets you apart.
3. Knowing your strengths and using them to your advantage is another thing you have to be committed to because we are humans with a lot of weaknesses and building on our strengths would help us break down walls.
4. While you are trying to build your strength and become more attractive, it is easy to lose sight of yourself. Remember to take charge of your life because you are the only one with full control and responsibility.
5. In being responsible and taking charge you would have to network a lot. Networking is an important tool as it helps you to have an archive of information and necessary contact that can impact your life and career one way or another.
6. You must remember that everything about your career is important – therefore, you must read, study and learn everything there is to know about the path you are walking. To help you further, you can seek a career mentor that could advise you and point you the way in terms of skills acquisition, knowledge and competence. Also, remember to set career goals, have a purpose, have confidence and stay tough.

No man is an island they say – If you need help, suggestions etc… about your plans for your professional career part do not hesitate to see us a message.